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Found 2 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h German (de) | == Beispiele == Liste der Episoden von '''''[[wikitrek:Star Trek: Lower Decks|Lower Decks]]''''' <syntaxhighlight lang="sparql" line> PREFIX wd: <> PREFIX wdt: <> SELECT ?episode ?episodeLabel ?publication ?production WHERE { ?episode wdt:P14 wd:Q10317; wdt:P101 ?publication; wdt:P1 ?production SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". } } ORDER BY ASC (?production) </syntaxhighlight> |
h English (en) | == Esempi == Elenco di episodi di '''''[[wikitrek:Star Trek: Lower Decks|Lower Decks]]''''' <syntaxhighlight lang="sparql" line> PREFIX wd: <> PREFIX wdt: <> SELECT ?episode ?episodeLabel ?publication ?production WHERE { ?episode wdt:P14 wd:Q10317; wdt:P101 ?publication; wdt:P1 ?production SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". } } ORDER BY ASC (?production) </syntaxhighlight> |